
Getting Acquainted with Document/View Framework – Simple Image Viewer

In my previous posts here and here I showed how to create a simple application which uses Document/View framework. Now…

16 years ago

wxWidgets 2.8.8 is out !!!

June 24th, 2008 -- the wxWidgets team is pleased to announce a new wxWidgets release. wxWidgets is a mature, open…

17 years ago

wxJSON 0.5.0 Released

This wxJSON release adds support for 64-bits integers on those platforms that have native support for it such as, for…

17 years ago

Реализация Job Queue на wxWidgets (+исходник)

При работе с потоками часто приходится делать кучу однотипных задач: создавать класс, производный от wxThread, реализовывать метод Entry() для этого…

17 years ago

wxJSON 0.4 Released

This release adds the 'copy-on-write' feature to the copy ctor and assignment operator of JSON value class. Note that this…

17 years ago

Getting Acquainted with Document-View architecture – Part II – Simple Text Editor

Today we’ll dig a little bit deeper into Document/View framework provided by wxWidgets and will see how to create a…

17 years ago

Getting Acquainted with Document-View architecture – Part I

A few weeks ago, working on TIFF viewer software, I realized that many developers, who use wxWidgets in their work,…

17 years ago

Нужна помощь в улучшении документации к библиотеке wxWidgets

wxWidgets находится в процессе работы над улучшением документации - мигрирации из текущей системы, основанной на LaTeX, в Doxygen (используя отдельный…

17 years ago

Собираем IDE Code::Blocks под FreeBSD

Сегодня вашему вниманию предлагается статья Cosm'а о том, как собрать и настроить среду разработки Code::Blocks под FreeBSD. В этой статье…

17 years ago

wxJSON 0.3.0 Released

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is…

17 years ago