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Monthly Archives: January 2008

Собираем сторонние компоненты wxWidgets в Code::Blocks

Сегодня я расскажу о том, как создать проект Code::Blocks, использующий в своей работе сторонние библиотеки. В качестве сторонней библиотеки мы возьмем библиотеку wxPropertyGrid, предоставляющую возможность встроить редактор свойств в приложение. Для…

Прозрачное журналирование с wxLog

В wxWidgets есть отличный механизм журналирования wxLog. С его помощью можно решить проблему ведения лога одновременно в файл и, например, в текстовый контрол. Если необходимо выводить сообщения в файл не только в ANSI, а и в Unicode, то очень удобно использовать логгер wxLogStream. Для его использования, потребуется собрать (если еще не собрано) wxWidgets с выставленной поддержкой std потоков:

wxJSON Tutorial – Part IV – Using Comment Lines in wxJSON


Here is a fourth part of wxJSON tutorial provided by Luciano Cattani, author and maintainer of wxJSON library.

Using Comment Lines in wxJSON

Comments are not supported by the JSON syntax specifications but many JSON implementations do recognize and store comment lines in the JSON value objects. Starting by version 0.2, the wxJSON library do recognize and store C/C++ comment lines in the JSON input text and can also write comments to the JSON output text.

wxJSON Tutorial – Part III – Describing a Table


Here is a third part of wxJSON tutorial provided by Luciano Cattani, author and maintainer of wxJSON library.

Describing a Table with wxJSON

How many times did you use a table in your application? I know the answer: many times. So the best thing would be to write a general-purpose panel window that is capable to show every possible table and table's format.

wxJSON Tutorial – Part II – Сonfiguration File


Here is a second part of wxJSON tutorial provided by Luciano Cattani, author and maintainer of wxJSON library.

Creating a Configuration File with wxJSON

We start by using JSON for an application's configuration file. There are many formats for storing application's configuration data. I remember when there was MS-DOS: each application used its own, unreadable and proprietary format (it was a nightmare). Next came Windows 3: it had a better way for storing application's configuration data; they were kept in an .INI file which contains simple ASCII text. This was a good thing because it was easier for humans to fine-tuning application's behaviour. In this example we use JSON to store the configuration data of a simple web server application. If you take a look at the Apache config file you will notice that our example looks very similar (but much more human readable).