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Yearly Archives: 2009

Cross-Platform Way of Obtaining MAC Address of Your Machine

In one of my current projects I had to implement client-server communication and protection by MAC address when client machine can't connect to server if its MAC address is not allowed, regardless of network or broadband connection. But what was a surprise that wxWidgets does not have API which allows obtaining MAC address in cross-platform way. So, I decided to write a small class which allows obtainig MAC address for Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Windows Mobile. Here it is:

Taking Screenshots with wxWidgets under Mac OS is Really Tricky.

Taking screenshots is a very common task and it was a must for one of my current projects. What was a surprise when I understood that my favourite toolkit can't do that in cross-platform manner. It is official bug that wxScreenDC does not work properly under Mac OS and you can't use Blit() message for copying screen onto wxMemoryDC. After digging the Internet I found a kind of solution which used OpenGL and created wxWidgets-based class which takes screenshots also under Mac OS. It was really hard task for me because I haven't used neither Carbon nor Cocoa before. However everything works now and I'm happy. Here it is:

AxTk: An Accessibility Toolkit for wxWidgets

What is AxTk?

AxTk (pronounced Ay Ex Tee Kay) is an open source, C++ add-on for wxWidgets that helps developers create highly accessible, talking applications for users with impaired vision. It may also be useful for other impairments that benefit from a simplified user interface. AxTk features a new menu-based system that is easy to learn and use, in addition to providing adaptation for some existing GUI controls and dialogs. The developer can choose whether to use the menu system, or to adapt an existing application UI, or use a combination of methods. AxTk is cross-platform (tested so far on Windows XP, Linux and Mac OS X 10.5), and includes text-to-speech classes with the ability to drive SAPI 5, Apple Speech Synthesis Manager, eSpeak, and Cepstral. Other speech engines can be driven by writing additional handlers. Note that AxTk is a work in progress and the API is subject to change.

Работаем с Cairo в wxWidgets – Часть I – Компиляция CAIRO 1.8.6 на Visual C++ 8

Первая статья из цикла, повествующего о том, ка киспользовать библиотеку cairo (и обертку wxCairo) с wxWidgets. В этот раз речь пойдет о том, как собрать библиотеку cairo с помощью Visual C++ в Windows. Для начала определимся, что нам нужно:
  • Mozilla Build 1.3
  • cairo 1.8.6
  • libpng 1.2.35
  • zlib 1.2.3
  • pixman 0.14.0

Работа с базами данных в wxWidgets – DatabaseLayer – Минимальное приложение

Вслед за анонсом новой версии DatabaseLayer, кросс-платформенной библиотеки для работы с базами данных, решил выложить небольшой туториал с примером использования DatabaseLayer. В этот раз мы рассмотрим пример создания простейшего консольного приложения, использующего эту библиотеку для работы с базами данных.

DatabaseLayer 1.8 Released

Yesterday jb_coder announced new version of cross-platform database access library for wxWidgets, DatabaseLayer 1.8. DatabaseLayer provides access to different types of databases using unified wxWidgets-based API. It supports: SQLite3 Firebird MySQL PostgreSQL…