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wxWidgets 2.8.9 Released

The wxWidgets team is pleased to announce a new wxWidgets release. The latest stable release in 2.8 series contains several bug fixes as well as a few new functions. Upgrading is recommended for all wxWidgets users.

Отправка SMS под wxWinCE с помощью CE MAPI

Появилась необходимость программно отправлять SMS с телефона под управлением Windows Mobile. Решил не изобретать велосипед и поиспользовать MAPI для этих целей. После недолгих поисков набрел на эту статью на CodeProject. Немного переделал код для использования с wxWidgets. Вот что получилось

Getting Acquainted with Document/View Framework – Simple Image Viewer

In my previous posts here and here I showed how to create a simple application which uses Document/View framework. Now I’m going to show more complex example – image viewer with scrolling and selection rectangle. As far as I can see from wxForum, implementation of selection-related functionality is some kind of complex but very useful task. So, let’s start from simple part. The simplest task here is modification of our wxDocument-related class.

wxJSON 0.5.0 Released

This wxJSON release adds support for 64-bits integers on those platforms that have native support for it such as, for example, Windows and GNU/Linux. You can disable 64-bits integer support if…

wxJSON 0.4 Released

This release adds the 'copy-on-write' feature to the copy ctor and assignment operator of JSON value class. Note that this new feature only affects the internal representation of JSON values and…

Getting Acquainted with Document-View architecture – Part II – Simple Text Editor

Today we’ll dig a little bit deeper into Document/View framework provided by wxWidgets and will see how to create a simple text editor using this framework. We’ll take the source code from the previous article of this series and add some modifications. You will see below that modifications are rather simple and take almost no time. First of all we have to make wxDocTemplate to handle desired file extensions (in our case it’s TXT).