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Дааа! Ribbon Bar для wxWidgets не за горами!

Надо же,в wxBlog такое рассказывают. Оказывается Google Summer of Code для wxWidgets принес много полезного в этом году. Обещают поддержку нотификаций об изменениях файловой системы - wxFSWatcher, а также (внимание!) Ribbon для wxWidgets - wxRibbonBar. А еще.... апгрейды всевозможные для wxAUI (жду не дождусь collapsible panes и tabbed docking). Все это будет в svn trunk и…

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AxTk: An Accessibility Toolkit for wxWidgets

What is AxTk?

AxTk (pronounced Ay Ex Tee Kay) is an open source, C++ add-on for wxWidgets that helps developers create highly accessible, talking applications for users with impaired vision. It may also be useful for other impairments that benefit from a simplified user interface. AxTk features a new menu-based system that is easy to learn and use, in addition to providing adaptation for some existing GUI controls and dialogs. The developer can choose whether to use the menu system, or to adapt an existing application UI, or use a combination of methods. AxTk is cross-platform (tested so far on Windows XP, Linux and Mac OS X 10.5), and includes text-to-speech classes with the ability to drive SAPI 5, Apple Speech Synthesis Manager, eSpeak, and Cepstral. Other speech engines can be driven by writing additional handlers. Note that AxTk is a work in progress and the API is subject to change.

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DatabaseLayer 1.8 Released

Yesterday jb_coder announced new version of cross-platform database access library for wxWidgets, DatabaseLayer 1.8. DatabaseLayer provides access to different types of databases using unified wxWidgets-based API. It supports: SQLite3 Firebird MySQL PostgreSQL Oracle Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Here is the list of changes for this release: Changed RunQuery message signature to return a list of affected records …

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wxJSON 1.0 Released

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent…

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wxJSON 0.5.0 Released

This wxJSON release adds support for 64-bits integers on those platforms that have native support for it such as, for example, Windows and GNU/Linux. You can disable 64-bits integer support if you do not need (or do not want) it. The new version is compatible wih the past: if you do not need 64-bits integers you…

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wxJSON 0.4 Released

This release adds the 'copy-on-write' feature to the copy ctor and assignment operator of JSON value class. Note that this new feature only affects the internal representation of JSON values and does not add new features in the class's interface. Also note that for JSON value objects, COW is not as efficient as expected. To know more about…

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Нужна помощь в улучшении документации к библиотеке wxWidgets

wxWidgets находится в процессе работы над улучшением документации - мигрирации из текущей системы, основанной на LaTeX, в Doxygen (используя отдельный набор "интерфейсных" заголовков, вместо рабочих заголовков wxWidgets). Разработчики wxWidgets потратили несколько месяцев на создание скриптов для автоматического преобразования документации, и уже достигли той точки, где скрипты уже не могут помочь. В Документация wxWidgets довольно обширна и…

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